Data export

The Data export app allows you to export bibliographic data from Source Record Storage (SRS) and Instance, Holdings, and Item data stored in the Inventory app. Exported records are delivered in MARC 21 format.

When the records are exported from the Inventory app and there is underlying MARC source data, that data is exported. If there is no underlying source data, a simplified MARC record is generated.

The Data export app comes with a default job profile, which determines how information is exported in the generated MARC file. To create your own customized job profiles, you can configure job profiles in the Settings app. For more information, see Settings > Data Export.

Definition of terms related to the Data export app:

  • Job profile. Determines how information from FOLIO is exported to the generated MARC file.
  • SRS. Source Record Storage. A storage layer in FOLIO. If an instance has an underlying MARC record, then this record is stored in SRS.


In order to view and interact with the Data export app, a user needs to be assigned the following permission:

  • UI: Data export module is enabled. This permission allows the user to see and use the Data export app.

Note: This is the only permission available for the Data export app. You are unable to view and access Data export if you do not have this permission assigned to you. You can assign permissions to users in the Users app.

Quick exports

Quick exports are performed in the Inventory app. They allow you to quickly download instances in MARC or JSON formats for selected records.

Exporting instances (MARC)

  1. Open the Inventory app. 
  2. In the Inventory pane, find the records you want to export, and for each record, select the checkbox in the first column.
  3. Click Actions > Export instances (MARC). Depending on your browser and its configurations, the file automatically downloads or you are prompted to save it. The export is logged in the Data export app.

Exporting instances (JSON)

Exporting instances to JSON is not implemented at this time.

Triggering an export by uploading a file

The Data export app accepts two types of data and file types that identify sets of records for export: a CSV file listing Instance UUIDs and a CQL query in CQL format. Triggering an export generates a .mrc file.

The Data export app comes with a default job profile, which determines how information is exported in the generated MARC file. To create your own customized job profiles, you can configure job profiles in the Settings app. For more information, see Settings > Data Export.

Uploading instance UUIDs

The data export can be triggered by providing the list of record identifiers (Instances UUIDs) in a .csv file. The list can be created by saving the UUIDs of the records that fulfill inventory search criteria.

  1. In the Jobs pane, either drag and drop your file into the box, or click or choose file to locate the file on your computer.
  2. In the Select job profile to run the export window, select the job profile to run.
  3. In the Are you sure you want to run this job dialog, select Run. The window closes and the job appears under the Running section in the Jobs pane.

Uploading CQL query

Note: The file you upload needs to be a CQL file.

  1. In the Jobs pane, either drag and drop your file into the box, or click or choose file to locate the file on your computer.
  2. In the Select job profile to run the export window, select the job profile to run.
  3. In the Are you sure you want to run this job dialog, select Run. The window closes and the job appears under the Running section in the Jobs pane.

Viewing export logs

Once an export is completed, whether it was completed without any errors, completed with errors, or failed, it appears in the Logs table in the Logs pane.

The Logs table contains the following columns:

  • File name. Name of the MARC file that was generated.
  • Status. Status of the export: Completed, Completed with errors, or Fail.
  • Total. Number of records in the export.
  • Failed. Number of records that failed.
  • Job profile. Name of the job profile used.
  • Ended running. Date and time the export finished.
  • Run by. User or system by which the export was generated.
  • ID. Identification number of the export.

You can click on any column name to sort by that column.

Viewing all logs

Logs are never deleted. The twenty-five most recent logs are displayed in the Logs table in the Logs pane. To view all logs, in the Logs pane, click View all. The Logs window appears.

Retrieving data export results

For all exports with the Status of Completed or Completed with errors, you can click on the File name in the Logs pane to retrieve your data export results. Depending on your browser and its configurations, the file automatically downloads or you are prompted to save it.

Troubleshooting failed exports

For all exports with the Status of Fail or Completed with errors, click in the row of the export to view the error log. For all failed exports, a MARC file is not generated.

Last modified January 13, 2022: updates to MM for Iris (069852d)